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Displaying26 checkins from 19 cafes in 9 countries.  show all checkins
Filtering by Processing Method: Anaerobic
Sunday, June 2nd
Yemen Anaerobic
grown in Yemen
Coffee Circular Yemen Anaerobic Natural v60. Flat, earthy start, opens up to bright candied orange, red berries. Interesting acidity. Great.
Wednesday, April 24th
Costa Rica Anaerobic
grown in Costa Rica
Grey St Roasting Costa Rican anaerobic natural v60. Over-fermented pineapple, bright strawberry. Sweet and rounded. Really good.
Wednesday, April 3rd
Colombia Anaerobic
grown in Colombia
UCR Colombia Huila El Diviso Sidra anaerobic natural filter. Nectarine, sweet red pineapple, acidic bite. Juicy, fruity, tannins. Superb.
Sunday, March 31st
Burundi Anaerobic
grown in Burundi
Burundi anaerobic yeast long black. Grape, lime, red pineapple. Juicy start, yet tart and very dry linger. Pretty good.
Mon, Dec 11th • 2023
Cup of Excellence Indonesia Anaerobic
grown in Indonesia
Indonesia CoE #3 anaerobic natural v60. Funky, tart. Thin and short apple + pineapple juice, really luscious. Missing vibrance. Really good.
Thu, Dec 7th • 2023
Colombia Anaerobic
grown in Colombia
Anaerobic natural Colombia v60. Bright stonefruit, peach and plum. Pink fruits, juicy. Super sweet, soft, fermented fuzziness. Superb.
Fri, Jul 28th • 2023
Indonesia Anaerobic
grown in Sumatra, Indonesia
Indonesian Sumatra anaerobic natural pourover. Tropical fruits, brown sugar. Lemon, pineapple. Sweet, not candy. Clean fruit juice. Great.
Thu, Jul 20th • 2023
Costa Rica Anaerobic
grown in Costa Rica
Costa Rica Aquiares anaerobic natural v60. Lightly alcoholic red berries with pineapple juice. Candied red currants. Juicy and funky. Great.
Wed, Jul 19th • 2023
Colombia Anaerobic
grown in Colombia
roasted by Regalia coffee
Regalia coffee Colombia anaerobic natural v60. Delicate white peach, white grape, florals. Very soft, watery, dry finish. Pretty good.
Sun, Jul 16th • 2023
Ecuador Anaerobic
grown in Ecuador
Sumo Ecuador Yabamine anaerobic washed Kalita. A lot of alcoholic notes and acidity with red berries and tropical finish. Great.
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