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Displaying36 checkins from 21 cafes in 8 countries.  show all checkins
Filtering by Coffees Grown In: Brazil
Fri, May 31st • 2024
Brazil Natural
grown in Brazil
Brazil hybrid natural batch brew. A bit nutty start. Fruity, jammy sweetness, long lingering almond/marzipan. Dull and just alright.
Mon, Aug 21st • 2023
Brazil Washed
grown in Brazil
Brazil washed spro. Acidic, sweet orange. Dark chocolate. Caramel. Muddled, traditional, boring. Not bad.
Tue, Jul 25th • 2023
Brazil Natural
grown in Brazil
Brazil pulped natural April dripper. Nutty, watery, very thin. Nashi pear flesh. Fairly sweet, very dull. Alright.
Fri, Jul 14th • 2023
Brazil Anaerobic
grown in Brazil
Brazilian Lichia anaerobic natural batch brew. Yellow plum, almond/marzipan, milky texture. Muddled fruit, good sweetness and acidity. Good.
Wed, Jul 5th • 2023
Brazil Natural
grown in Brazil
Brazilian natural spro. Typical dark smoky, chocolatey notes with a bright cacao finish. Lots of acidity and brightness. Silky body. Good.
Fri, Nov 25th • 2022
grown in Brazil
Brazil batch brew. Nutty, dark sweetness. Not good, not bad.
Wed, Nov 23rd • 2022
grown in Brazil
Brazil spro. Fairly bright orange citrus, cacao powder. Sweet, juicy bite. A bit traditional, but with a brightness. Creamy. Pretty good.
Mon, Dec 27th • 2021
Brazil Washed
grown in Brazil
roasted by Ozone Coffee
Ozone Brazilian washed spro. Medium profile, chalky, super nutty flavors.. Milk chocolate. Snickers. Lots of crema. Okay, not for me..
Sun, May 16th • 2021
Brazil Natural
grown in Brazil
roasted by Grey Roasting Co
Grey Roasting Brazil natural filter. Dry purple/red fruit, grape/cherry, light raisin. Chocolate. A bit wheaty.. Dull, rounded. Alright.
Sun, May 9th • 2021
Brazil Natural
grown in Brazil
roasted by Grey Roasting Co
Grey Roasting Brazil natural nel drip. Bright, vibrant pink fruit. Watery, but also muddy…but clean. Grape and red cherries. Really good.
Sat, May 1st • 2021
Brazil Extended Fermentation
grown in Brazil
roasted by Vanguard Coffee
Vanguard Brazilian extended fermentation kalita. Complex, jam sugars. Raisins, bit green. Sharp, odd, tropical, red pineapple acidity. Good.
Sun, Apr 11th • 2021
Brazil Natural
grown in Brazil
roasted by Rocket Coffee
Rocket Brazilian Natural origami. Yellow plum, very fruity. Acidic, but a bit dull. Briefly tropical. A bit sweet.. Pretty good.
Sun, Sep 20th • 2020
Brazil Natural
grown in Brazil
roasted by Be Speciality
Be Speciality Brazil natural kalita. Vibrant tropical smell. Dull acidity. Getting much better as it cools, very tropical. Great.
Sun, Aug 16th • 2020
Brazil Honey Process
grown in Brazil
roasted by Rocket Coffee
Rocket Brazil honey v60. Savory, a bit of a fruit compote. Caramel, very sweet. Thick body. Dark wheat?? Unknown. Muddled. Good?
Sat, May 30th • 2020
Brazil Honey Process
grown in Brazil
roasted by Rocket Coffee
Rocket Brazil honey filter. Molasses, burnt sugars. Dark nectarine mash, jam. Burnt into sweet, savory. Complex. Burnt honey glaze. Great.
Tue, Oct 15th • 2019
Brazil Natural
grown in Brazil
roasted by La Cabra Coffee
La Cabra Brazil Santo André natural latte. Milky! Nutty; brief apple acidity. Great acidity, balanced through the milk. Red fruit. Latte.
Thu, Sep 26th • 2019
Brazil Natural
grown in Brazil
Brazil natural kissaten filter. Dehydrated dark red fruit. Nutty, raisin, apricot. Dark profile, not burnt; unclean, indistinct, stale. Ok.
Thu, Sep 5th • 2019
Brazil Natural
grown in Brazil
roasted by Trunk Coffee
Brazil Sitio Agua Fria natural spro. Bright, juicy, sweet. Briefly delicate, strawberry; consistent plum, red cherry. Almost toasty. Superb.
Mon, Aug 26th • 2019
Brazil Natural
grown in Brazil
roasted by Trunk Coffee
Brazil Sitio Agua Fria natural spro. Almost pleasant char; crispy bits. Dark, nutty plum and almond. Dark chocolate. Bit too toasty. Good.
Mon, Aug 26th • 2019
Brazil Natural
grown in Brazil
roasted by Trunk Coffee
Brazil Sitio Agua Fria natural kalita. Super dark chocolate, burnt walnut. Delicate acidity. Dark fruit, plum. Very interesting.. Good.
Fri, Aug 2nd • 2019
Brazil Natural
grown in Brazil
roasted by Trunk Coffee
Brazil Sitio Grota Fundo natural origami. Good acidity, dull notes. Briefly green. Green strawberry. Nutty, nice smokey linger. Good.
Brazil Natural
Sun, Jun 9th • 2019
Brazil Natural
grown in Brazil
roasted by Society Coffee
Society Brazilian Kaparao natural spro. Sparkling acidity, singed caramel, tart Bailey's. Yellow pepper? Sweet. It comes together very well.
Thu, May 23rd • 2019
Brazil Natural
grown in Brazil
roasted by Frank's Coffee
Brazil Kaparaō Reserve pulp natural spro. Sweet start, lemon caramel. Clean, distinct. Briefly astringent acid. Long charred linger. Good.
Brazil Natural
Fri, May 18th • 2018
grown in Santa Colombo, Brazil
roasted by Frank's Coffee
Santa Colomba Brazil spro. Super ripe purple fruit, berries. Jammy, bit sweet. Dark chocolate finish. Very tangy. Great!
Fri, May 11th • 2018
Brazil Natural
grown in Santa Colombo, Brazil
roasted by Society Coffee
Society Santa Colomba Brazil raisin pulped natural spro. Good body, acid. Thin, fatty finish. Purple, red fruit: berry apple jam? Great! 👌
Brazil Natural
Sat, Jun 3rd • 2017
grown in Brazil
Brazil Divisia spro. Warm sugars, a bit thick. Juicy stonefruit. Sugar forward: juicy caramelized sugars. Toffee, caramel, or something.
Sat, Jun 3rd • 2017
grown in Brazil
Columbian or Brazilian? SO spro. Juicy traditional stonefruit. High acidity, poor balance, bright. A bit toasty. Not clean, muddy. Not bad.
Sat, Jun 3rd • 2017
grown in Brazil
Brazil #3 Divisia filter. Tropical spice, musty smelling. Juicy start, dry linger. Non-vibrant peach. Great sweets: honey, darker, toasty.
Fri, Jun 2nd • 2017
grown in Brazil
Brazil #2 spro. Condensed sugars and stonefruit. Darker, brighter. Thick, syrupy. A bit too much body, lingering seared, acidic sugar. 👍
Fri, Jun 2nd • 2017
grown in Brazil
Brazilian spro. Very traditional Brazilian, great balance and body. Touch of vinegar acidity, burnt notes. Great reds, dark sugars, toasty.
Thu, Jun 1st • 2017
grown in Brazil
Brazil filter. Stonefruit floral. Fruit-forward, thin, mellow body, condensed sweetness and fruits. Bit thin and drying, but very sweet.
Wed, May 31st • 2017
Cup of Excellence Brazil
grown in Brazil
CoE #1 Brazil filter. White, florals, stonefruit. Silky. Lacking the yellow/pineapple notes, more bitter. Better cooled, but spro was better
Tue, May 30th • 2017
Cup of Excellence Brazil Natural
grown in Brazil
Brazil CoE #1 natural spro. Thick, silky, luscious pineapple. Very yellow/white floral and fruit. Wow. Vibrant, lovely! Spectacular.
Wed, May 17th • 2017
grown in Brazil
Brazilian short black. Burnt sawdust and charcoal..? I don't understand, the setup and roastery all scream great speciality coffee to me. 😭
Fri, Apr 29th • 2016
grown in Brazil
Columbian, Brazil spro. Balanced light+; nice acidity & stonefruit brightness. Puckering fruit juice. Cools to clean, savory sour/bitter. 👌
Thu, Jan 28th • 2016
grown in Brazil
roasted by Slate Coffee
Brazilian "Crema". Larger location is nice. Very good stonefruit, slight bitter. Fairly mild, but complex. Very much like dark chocolate.