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Filtering by Café: Trunk Coffee Bar
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Thu, Oct 27th • 2022
Colombia Anaerobic
grown in Colombia
roasted by Trunk Coffee
Trunk Colombia double anaerobic origami. Fruity, very clean, some citrus. Savory, sweet sauce. Really good.
Tue, Oct 25th • 2022
Ethiopia Natural
grown in Ethiopia
roasted by Trunk Coffee
Trunk Ethiopia natural nigussie origami. Nutmeg spiced raisin, soft passionfruit, tropical. Bit sweet. Delicate, rounded acidity. Superb.
Sun, Oct 13th • 2019
Colombia Washed
grown in Colombia
roasted by Trunk Coffee
Columbian Café Del Macizo washed spro. Juicy, dark acidity. Super acidic grapefruit. Sweet, tart linger. Bit underextracted. Good.
Sun, Oct 13th • 2019
Burundi Natural
grown in Burundi
roasted by Trunk Coffee
Burundi Buzira natural origami. Raisin, a bit dry, grassy. Great acidity, rounded body. Brown sugar. Great.
Tue, Oct 8th • 2019
Costa Rica Honey Process
grown in Costa Rica
roasted by Trunk Coffee
Costa Rica Don Oscar honey origami. Green raisin. Light molasses, lots of sweetness. Dull acidity, almost balanced. Good.
Wed, Oct 2nd • 2019
Ethiopia Natural
grown in Ethiopia
roasted by Trunk Coffee
Ethiopian Kambata natural origami. Orange and strawberry. Nice brown sugar. Briefly bright, very soft and rounded. Balanced. Great!
Mon, Sep 30th • 2019
Burundi Natural
grown in Burundi
roasted by Trunk Coffee
Burundi Buzira natural origami. Cherry. Caramel, almost nutty. Briefly fruity, but more traditional profile. Bit funky. Alright.
Fri, Sep 27th • 2019
Kenya Washed
grown in Kenya
roasted by Trunk Coffee
Kenya Kegwa washed kalita. Fruity, lots of raisin. A bit tart, good acidity. Rounded into sweetness. Briefly grassy, not overpowering. Good.
Tue, Sep 24th • 2019
Ethiopia Natural
grown in Ethiopia
roasted by Trunk Coffee
Ethiopian Kambata natural origami. Briefly grassy, but fairly vibrant strawberry. Good.
Mon, Sep 23rd • 2019
Nicaragua Washed
grown in Nicaragua
roasted by Trunk Coffee
Nicaragua Finca Los Congos pacamara washed origami. Chocolate, plum. Tart cacao. Briefly green scent. Balanced, sweet finish. Good.
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