This is just a blog about my daily coffee.
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Filtering by Café: Trunk Coffee Bar
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Sat, Feb 27th • 2016
grown in Wallega, Ethiopia
roasted by Trunk Coffee
Wollega again. Tastes normal this time, like I have taste buds again! 🙂 🤒
Fri, Feb 26th • 2016
grown in Wallega, Ethiopia
roasted by Trunk Coffee
Wollega. I'm sick and just had an orange cough drop. I get tons of orange, juicy, which is wrong.
Mon, Feb 22nd • 2016
grown in Rwanda
roasted by Trunk Coffee
Daburu Capp, Rwandan. It's a bit brighter, perhaps due to age vs the previous batch. Still vegetal and stuff. Different, not bad.
Mon, Feb 22nd • 2016
grown in Wallega, Ethiopia
roasted by Trunk Coffee
Wollega. 👌👍💯
Sun, Feb 21st • 2016
grown in Wallega, Ethiopia
roasted by Trunk Coffee
Wollega Pourover.
Sun, Feb 21st • 2016
Costa Rica
grown in Costa Rica
roasted by Trunk Coffee
Daburu Costa Rican Capp. Very good. 💯👍👌
Sat, Feb 20th • 2016
grown in Guatemala
roasted by Trunk Coffee
El Injerto Guat Daburu Capp. Didn't record, but good.
Fri, Feb 19th • 2016
Fri, Feb 19th • 2016
grown in Wallega, Ethiopia
roasted by Trunk Coffee
Wollega Pourover 💯👌
Thu, Feb 18th • 2016
roasted by Trunk Coffee
Carrizal Capp. The balance is nice. Tiny bit of muddy/bitter flavours come through, but I like it more than the Rwandan. Very good 👌.
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