This is just a blog about my daily coffee.
Displaying 45 of 47 checkins from 30 cafes.  show all checkins
Filtering by Cafés In: Tokyo
Fri, Jul 28th • 2023
Indonesia Anaerobic
grown in Sumatra, Indonesia
Indonesian Sumatra anaerobic natural pourover. Tropical fruits, brown sugar. Lemon, pineapple. Sweet, not candy. Clean fruit juice. Great.
Thu, Jul 27th • 2023
Ethiopia Washed
grown in Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia
Ethiopian Gersay Yirgacheffe washed v60. Peach milk tea. Black tea. Brief white florals. Very clean. Good classic Ethiopian. Good.
Thu, Jul 27th • 2023
Honduras Honey Process
grown in Honduras
Honduras Santa Rosa honey? v60. Succinct green grape, sauvignon blanc acidity. Rounded hazelnut. Citric. Delicate, light, clean. Good.
Fri, Nov 25th • 2022
Ethiopia Natural
grown in Ethiopia
Akito natural Ethiopia v60. Berries!! Thin, very delicate, but juicy and lots of sweet acidic berry juice. Really good.
Thu, Nov 24th • 2022
Cup of Excellence Ecuador Honey Process
grown in Ecuador
Ecuador CoE 2021 #8 honey v60. Super thin, almost no linger! Really delicate, blackberry, white peach, sweet caramel. Superb, but so thin…
Thu, Nov 24th • 2022
Peru Washed
grown in Peru
Peru Perlamayo washed spro. Very fruity, grape, stonefruit, traditional. Creamy body. Sweet, rounded fruity acidity. Muddled caramel. Good.
Peru Washed
Wed, Nov 23rd • 2022
Ethiopia Washed
grown in Ethiopia
Ethiopia washed pourover. Black tea with lemon and a milky finish. Thin, a bit dull. Good.
Wed, Nov 23rd • 2022
grown in Brazil
Brazil spro. Fairly bright orange citrus, cacao powder. Sweet, juicy bite. A bit traditional, but with a brightness. Creamy. Pretty good.
Mon, Oct 24th • 2022
Ethiopia Washed
grown in Chelba, Ethiopia
roasted by Verve Coffee
Verve Ethiopia Chelbesa washed kalita. Lots of rose water, delicate peach juice. Very faint, thin, delicate. Super clean. Good.
Mon, Oct 24th • 2022
roasted by Verve Coffee
Verve blend natural and washed spro. Burnt caramel and dark chocolate bitterness. Soft, rounded acidity. Sweet cranberry. Muddled. Okay.
Sun, Oct 23rd • 2022
El Salvador Natural
grown in El Salvador
Lucent El Salvador pacamara natural v60. Very soft/pink white floral linger. Bright red berries, sweet tropical fruit: persimmon. Great.
Sun, Oct 23rd • 2022
Costa Rica Honey Process
grown in Costa Rica
Lucent Costa Rica La Isla gesha honey v60. Juicy. Red plum, clean green apple, white/purple floral linger. A slight tea bitterness. Great.
Sun, Oct 23rd • 2022
Ethiopia Washed
grown in Ethiopia
Ethiopia washed kalita. Lots of black tea, powerful. Some citric acidity. Medium finish. Stewed apricots muddled with brown sugar. Good.
Sun, Oct 23rd • 2022
El Salvador
grown in El Salvador
El Salvador spro. Super acidic bite. Raw chocolate, cacao acidity. Dark purple fruits, berries. Short linger. A bit basic. Almost good!
Sun, Oct 23rd • 2022
Kenya Washed
grown in Nyeri, Kenya
Blue bottle Kenya Nyeri peaberry washed v60. Super juicy blackcurrant and raisin. Milk tea finishing texture. Fairly sweet. Clean, good.
Sun, Oct 23rd • 2022
Indonesia Natural
grown in Sumatra, Indonesia
Blue Bottle Sumatra natural spro. Burnt orange, red grape, lots of acidity. A bit thin, light coating texture. Brief wheaty flavor. Good.
Sat, Sep 14th • 2019
House Single Origin
Coffee looked dark as night so I got the Streamer Latte. Burnt coffee, even through milk. Milk is a bit scalded, good texture and art. 👎
Fri, Sep 13th • 2019
Ethiopia Natural
grown in Ethiopia
roasted by Momos Coffee
Momos Coffee Ethiopia Raro Boda natural v60. Long line, great service. Juicy acidity. Blackberry, lots of berries. Delicate. Floral. Superb.
Ethiopia Natural
Fri, Sep 13th • 2019
Kenya Washed
grown in Kenya
roasted by Onibus Coffee
Onibus Kenya washed spro. Thin, a bit over, fines in cup. Dark sugars, toasted caramel. Musty and briefly green. Good acidity, tart. Ok.
Fri, Sep 13th • 2019
Kenya Washed
grown in Nyeri, Kenya
Kenya Nyeri AA washed kalita. Grassy scent. Savory, briefly, oddly spicy: Schezuan pepper..? Not in a bad way. Super juicy as it cools. 👍
Thu, Sep 12th • 2019
Rwanda Washed
grown in Rwanda
Rwandan washed kalita. Purple fruit. Delicate acidity, super juicy. Mild body. Blackcurrant juice. Briefly tropical. Balanced. Super good.
Wed, Sep 11th • 2019
Ethiopia Washed
grown in Chelelektu, Ethiopia
roasted by Onibus Coffee
Ethiopia Chelethektu washed spro. Thin, astringent extraction. Bitter grapefruit. Lacking sweetness. Not dialed in, typically uses a blend.
Tue, Sep 10th • 2019
Kenya Washed
grown in Kenya
roasted by Onibus Coffee
Kenya Kora washed v60. Juicy, medium body, brief acidity and good linger. Briefly chocolatey. Stronefruit, apricot? Bit dull. Good.
Mon, Sep 9th • 2019
Ethiopia Washed
grown in Chelelektu, Ethiopia
roasted by Onibus Coffee
Ethiopia Chelelektu washed v60-1. Red grape, bit dry. Good acidicity. Stonefruit, plum? Sweet finish, balanced. Indistinct. Pretty good.
Mon, Sep 9th • 2019
Costa Rica Honey Process
grown in Parami, Costa Rica
Costa Rica El Paraiso yellow honey Gesha filter. Toasty profile. Very floral. Peach, stonefruit. Fairly citric when cool. Muddled. Just ok.
Sun, Sep 8th • 2019
Ethiopia Natural
grown in Ethiopia
Ethiopia Shakiso natural v60. Dark, complex berries. Good sweetness, bitter tinge finish. Medium, traditional profile; great extraction. 👍
Sun, Sep 8th • 2019
Ethiopia Natural
grown in Limu, Ethiopia
Ethiopia Limmu Kossa Galeh natural filter. Green, brief tropical fruit. Overextracted. Super balanced, red fruit, not very bright, dull. Ok
Sun, Sep 8th • 2019
Ethiopia Washed
grown in Guji, Ethiopia
Ethiopia Layo Taraga Guji washed spro. Tart raisin atart. Very acidic, grapefruit. Red fruit. Sweet, acidic caramel. Unbalanced, but great.
Sat, Sep 7th • 2019
Ethiopia Washed
grown in Ethiopia
Ethiopia Layo Taraga Huji washed v60. Lots of red stonefruit, briefly red berry, juicy. Floral. Great sweetness and balance. Superb.
Ethiopia Washed
Wed, May 25th • 2016
Cup of Excellence Rwanda
grown in Rwanda
Rwanda CoE '15 #3 89.89. Thick texture, purple, plum. Slight citrus and acidity, good sweetness. Sitting in FP ➡ dark reds. Not vibrant 😞.
Cup of Excellence Rwanda
Tue, May 24th • 2016
Ethiopia Washed
grown in Kochere, Ethiopia
Eth Kochore washed Kalita. Thin tealike, red floral/berries, started honey ➡ darker. Bit of sweetness. Not complex or vibrant enough. Okay
Tue, May 24th • 2016
grown in Kenya
Kenyan Gith.. FP. 2 steampunks... Dark reds, currants, plum. Acidic. Sweet & thickening mouthfeel cooling. Vague yellow fruit. Muddy. Okay..
Tue, May 24th • 2016
Espresso & Tonic, iced. Mistake ordering, oops. Puckering orange, from tonic? Sweet and quite acidic. Dark reds, raspberry! Tonic skewing.
Tue, May 24th • 2016
grown in Timor-Leste
East Timor, medium-. 4oz serving? Detailed coffee menu. Brown/red flavors, acidic and sweet. Molasses, nutty, prune/raisin? Cooled tart.
Tue, May 24th • 2016
grown in Kenya
Kenya Gathunga(?). Kalita only. Nice mug! Peculiar mellow orange start into yellow fruit. Sweetness 👌 Slight savory note. Cools well. 👍💯
Mon, May 23rd • 2016
grown in Ethiopia
Eth Nekisse natural, french press. ~10 SO offerings! Dark, thin tea, red berry. Juicy peach ➡ lighter fruits. Cools so well, sweet, lingers.
Mon, May 23rd • 2016
grown in Ethiopia
Daburu spro, Eth + Rwandan + Indonesian blend. Bitter crema, okay sweetness behind it. Nice reds and brights. Not super distinct, muddy. 👌
Mon, May 23rd • 2016
grown in Wallega, Ethiopia
roasted by Trunk Coffee
Trunk Wollega, otherwise Obscura. Cute, tiny shop. Nice man. Black tea as usual, missing the delicate berry notes, but generally okay.
Sun, May 22nd • 2016
grown in Sumatra, Indonesia
"Sumatra Mandein" Practiced technique, by eye, very odd. Juicy Plum + orange. Dark yet fruity, not bitter. Dark chocolate cherry! Clean.
Sun, May 22nd • 2016
Capp blend. Lovely, separate huge roaster. Cocoa powder, I ordered wrong? 😕 Milk integration off, spro/milk good separate. Balanced, sweet.
Sun, May 22nd • 2016
grown in Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia
Eth Yirg pourover. Fuji Royal roaster. Tiny shop, skate decks, punk, messy. Red berry, black tea, muddy, overextracted? Not 💯, but good 👍
Tue, May 3rd • 2016
House Single Origin
SO spro. Fairly typical of blue bottle profile. Decently bright, medium, bitter. Sweet cocoa.
Tue, May 3rd • 2016
grown in Guatemala
roasted by Onibus Coffee
Spro, blend of Ken, Eth, Guat. Medium, smokey, almost savoury, bitter/sourness. Minimal fruit. Fairly dark, little chocolate, decent sweet.
Mon, May 2nd • 2016
Drip only, started clean on spro. Had a Guat. Very bitter when hot, cooling sweet orange: decent enough, but lacking somehow. Revisit
Mon, May 2nd • 2016
Costa Rica
grown in Costa Rica
Costa Rican spro. Bright, light, bitter cacao, caramel. Orange notes. Not very complex or clean. Quite acidic. Enjoyed it, straightforward.