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Displaying37 checkins from 21 cafes in 9 countries.  show all checkins
Filtering by Coffees Grown In: Yirgacheffe
Thu, Jul 27th • 2023
Ethiopia Washed
grown in Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia
Ethiopian Gersay Yirgacheffe washed v60. Peach milk tea. Black tea. Brief white florals. Very clean. Good classic Ethiopian. Good.
Fri, Nov 25th • 2022
grown in Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia
roasted by GGET Coffee
Ethiopia Yirg batch brew. Black tea, peach, lime citrus. Fairly dull and muddled. Decent coffee, stale brew. Alright.
Sun, Oct 30th • 2022
grown in Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia
Ethiopia Yirg G1 siphon "light". Burnt, no flavor.
Fri, Mar 20th • 2020
Ethiopia Natural
grown in Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia
roasted by Flight Coffee
Flight Coffee Ethiopia Chelba natural Yirg v60. Plum. Sweet, juicy tart red grape. Dry finish. Cucumber. Really good.
Wed, Feb 12th • 2020
Ethiopia Washed
grown in Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia
roasted by Grey Roasting Co
Grey Street Ethiopian Yirg washed kalita + lilydrip. Dull acidity. Green, bitter lime; bit floral bergamot. Chocolate citrus, currant. Good.
Sat, Jan 18th • 2020
Ethiopia Washed
grown in Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia
roasted by Dear Deer Coffee
Dear Deer Coffee Ethiopia Yirg washed origami. Super sweet red plum, tamarillo. Very developed profile; sweet fruity jam. Not bitter. Great.
Ethiopia Washed
Thu, Oct 17th • 2019
Ethiopia Washed
grown in Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia
Ethiopian Yirg Worka washed aeropress. Dark strawberries. Thin. Brown sugar. Great acidity, tart. Superb balance. Really good.
Sat, Oct 5th • 2019
Ethiopia Natural
grown in Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia
Ethiopian Yirg G1 natural v60. Great acidity and aroma. Medium profile. Full bodied, dark plum, blackberry. A bit toasty, but pretty good.
Thu, Apr 4th • 2019
Ethiopia Washed
grown in Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia
Red rabbit Yirg washed spro. Super sharp grapefruit acidity. Lots of stonefruit. Bit toasty profile. Bitter black tea finish. Pretty solid.
Thu, Oct 11th • 2018
grown in Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia
Red Rabbit Yirg spro. Caramelized, charred sweetness. Fairly toasty, but a bit bright. Full bodied. Muddled, indistinct flavors. Good.
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