This is just a blog about my daily coffee.
Displaying 29 of 358 checkins from 73 cafes.  show all checkins
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Wed, Jun 26th • 2024
Peru Washed
grown in Peru
roasted by Andytown Coffee
Andytown Peru washed spro. Sparkling tropical yellow fruit with an upfront caramel sweet finish. Good acidity, great lingering fruits. Great
Fri, Sep 22nd • 2023
House Blend
roasted by Andytown Coffee
House espresso. Milk chocolate, raisin, caramel. Fatty texture. Good acidity and sweetness, just a brief harsh, bitter finish. Pretty good.
House Blend
Wed, Sep 20th • 2023
House Blend
House blend spro. No SO 😔 Burnt milk chocolate, tart orange. Dry, decent acidity, but quite boring and bitter. Traditional, not that bad..
Tue, Sep 19th • 2023
Honduras Washed
grown in Honduras
roasted by Andytown Coffee
Honduras Maria Adela Catracha washed spro. Chocolatey body, green grape, soft and fruity. Balanced and succinctly acidic, but really good.
Honduras Washed
Sat, Nov 26th • 2022
grown in Kenya
Kenya Kalita poursteady. Fruity, muddled, syrupy flavors.. Indistinct, apricot flesh, but grassy, wheaty. A bit dull. Good.
Fri, Nov 25th • 2022
grown in Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia
roasted by GGET Coffee
Ethiopia Yirg batch brew. Black tea, peach, lime citrus. Fairly dull and muddled. Decent coffee, stale brew. Alright.
Fri, Nov 25th • 2022
Winter Blend pourover. A bit toasty, wheaty, some acidity, but dull. Very jammy fruits, muddled. Boring. Not bad, not good.
Fri, Nov 25th • 2022
grown in Brazil
Brazil batch brew. Nutty, dark sweetness. Not good, not bad.
Sat, Mar 7th • 2020
Ethiopia Washed
grown in Halu Beriti, Ethiopia
roasted by Verve Coffee
Verve Ethiopian Halo Beriti washed kalita. Balanced, yellow sweetness. Sweet, yellow plum. Dull, bit tart acidity. Alright.
Fri, Mar 6th • 2020
light roast
grown in Uganda
"Light Roast" Uganda organic batch brew. Everything is muddled. No fruit, some sweetness and acidity. Stale. Chocolatey. Burnt. Meh.
Fri, Mar 6th • 2020
grown in Colombia
roasted by GGET Coffee
GGET Colombia espresso. Medium profile, dark caramel. Red fruit. Juicy body. Tart burnt linger. Served with sweet sparkling drink. Alright.
Fri, Mar 6th • 2020
Kenya Washed
grown in Kenya
Phil & Sebastian Kenya Rukira washed pourover. Super grassy, green melon. Purple fruits, raisin. Bit sweet, floral bitters. Dull. Alright.
Fri, Mar 6th • 2020
Colombia Natural
grown in Colombia
roasted by Onyx Coffee
Onyx Colombia La Palma natural Gesha pourover. Muddled fruits, grape and tropical. Sweet, dry juice. Black tea, not floral. Decent Gesha.
Fri, Mar 6th • 2020
grown in Nicaragua
roasted by Verve Coffee
Verve Nicuraguan spro. Dark, fruity. Tons of development. Acidic red berries and juicy! Great body. Briefly burnt finish, but really great.
Thu, Mar 5th • 2020
Ethiopia Natural
grown in Ethiopia
roasted by Coava Coffee
Coava Ethiopian natural v60. Briefly stale. Profile is great, delicate purple berries. Fruity; unclean, muddled flavors though. Really good.
Wed, Nov 4th • 2015
roasted by Andytown Coffee
New blend espresso. Earthy and savory start, unexpected brightness, moderately sweet. Moderate reds, toasty. Good side of sour. Cools sweet
Tue, Nov 3rd • 2015
grown in Harrar, Ethiopia
Had a medium roasted Ethiopian harrar coffee on syphon....not a fan. Burnt, over extracted. Too bitter to find anything. Too hyped. 1st wave
Sun, Nov 1st • 2015
Good as a capp as well; brightness does seem a bit weird with milk and it's a bit thin still. Overall good, but definitely less or no milk.
Fri, Sep 25th • 2015
grown in Guatemala
roasted by Andytown Coffee
Guat Santa Sofia (2 wks). Bright, reddish, nice acidity and sweetness. Bright red bitterness. Bright end. How is it good this old??
Thu, Sep 24th • 2015
House Single Origin
grown in Mexico
roasted by Temple Coffee
Mexican SO. Good acidity and black tea; light bitterness without too much chocolate. Almost velvet, but a bit sour and thin. Grapefruit.
Thu, Sep 24th • 2015
grown in Mexico
Mexican shot. Bright for a med+/dark- roast, but muted/bitter across the board. Visibly oily, thin texture. Carmel stonefruit. Ends bitter.
Sun, Mar 8th • 2015
House Single Origin
roasted by Andytown Coffee
I'm always so #late with my check-ins.
Sun, Jan 25th • 2015
grown in Rwanda
Single origin Zirikana, Rwanda.
Sat, Oct 18th • 2014
Thu, Oct 16th • 2014
Wed, Oct 15th • 2014
Sat, Oct 11th • 2014
Sat, Oct 11th • 2014
Macc, a bit on the bitter edge, but very fruity. Stumptown.
Sun, Jul 13th • 2014
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