This is just a blog about my daily coffee.
Displaying 6 of 17 checkins from 16 cafes.  show all checkins
Filtering by Cafés In: Los Angeles
Fri, Mar 6th • 2020
light roast
grown in Uganda
"Light Roast" Uganda organic batch brew. Everything is muddled. No fruit, some sweetness and acidity. Stale. Chocolatey. Burnt. Meh.
Fri, Mar 6th • 2020
grown in Colombia
roasted by GGET Coffee
GGET Colombia espresso. Medium profile, dark caramel. Red fruit. Juicy body. Tart burnt linger. Served with sweet sparkling drink. Alright.
Fri, Mar 6th • 2020
Kenya Washed
grown in Kenya
Phil & Sebastian Kenya Rukira washed pourover. Super grassy, green melon. Purple fruits, raisin. Bit sweet, floral bitters. Dull. Alright.
Fri, Mar 6th • 2020
Colombia Natural
grown in Colombia
roasted by Onyx Coffee
Onyx Colombia La Palma natural Gesha pourover. Muddled fruits, grape and tropical. Sweet, dry juice. Black tea, not floral. Decent Gesha.
Fri, Mar 6th • 2020
grown in Nicaragua
roasted by Verve Coffee
Verve Nicuraguan spro. Dark, fruity. Tons of development. Acidic red berries and juicy! Great body. Briefly burnt finish, but really great.
Thu, Mar 5th • 2020
Ethiopia Natural
grown in Ethiopia
roasted by Coava Coffee
Coava Ethiopian natural v60. Briefly stale. Profile is great, delicate purple berries. Fruity; unclean, muddled flavors though. Really good.