Filtering by Café: Ozone Beanstore
Wed, Dec 29th • 2021
grown in Nicaragua
roasted by Ozone Coffee
Ozone Nicaragua Mama Mina washed Aeropress. Milk chocolate, quite wheaty, some stonefruit..not super fruity, little acidity. Balanced, okay.
Wed, Dec 29th • 2021
grown in Guatemala
roasted by Ozone Coffee
Ozone Guatamala El Limon natural pacamara v60. Jammy strawberries and cherry, raspberry coulis. Delicate, clean. Great acidity. Superb.

Tue, Dec 28th • 2021
grown in Colombia
roasted by Ozone Coffee
Ozone Colombia Belisario Opocue washed batch brew. Dark red apple. Acidic tinge, overextracted. Dark sweetness, burnt sugars. Alright.
Mon, Dec 27th • 2021
grown in Brazil
roasted by Ozone Coffee
Ozone Brazilian washed spro. Medium profile, chalky, super nutty flavors.. Milk chocolate. Snickers. Lots of crema. Okay, not for me..