This is just a blog about my daily coffee.
Displaying 100 of 1223 checkins from 75 cafes.  show all checkins
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Mon, May 18th • 2020
Rwanda Natural
grown in Gisheke, Rwanda
roasted by Flight Coffee
Rwandan Gisheke natural spro. Jammy, developed sugars. Dark purple fruits. Bit of chocolate. Dry red grape, winey. A bit unclean. Good.
Sun, May 17th • 2020
grown in Colombia
roasted by Frank's Coffee
Colombian Castillo spro. Dark, 90% chocolate. Fruity. Bit dry, nutty. Good acidity. Really good chocolatey coffee.
Sat, May 16th • 2020
Honduras Washed
grown in Honduras
Silverskin Honduras Opalace washed kalita. Grassy, so very nutty. Dry hazelnut skin. Super chocolatey. Hazelnut chocolate. Good.
Sat, May 16th • 2020
Ethiopia Washed
grown in Ethiopia
roasted by Firsthand Coffee
FirstHand Ethiopia Biloya washed v60. Super floral. Citric. Super sweet, caramel. Bit of acidity. A bit dark. Good.
Fri, May 15th • 2020
Rwanda Natural
grown in Gisheke, Rwanda
roasted by Flight Coffee
Rwandan Gisheke natural spro. Fruity, dark jammy plums. Super sweet, great acidity. Fruity, juicy. Baked plums. Really great.
Thu, May 14th • 2020
Rwanda Natural
grown in Gisheke, Rwanda
roasted by Flight Coffee
Rwandan Gisheke natural spro. Sitting in the cafe! Sour plum, dark and winey, jammy. Tart. Not clean, rough. Great start, good fruitiness.
Thu, May 7th • 2020
Burundi Natural
grown in Burundi
roasted by Rich Coffee
Rich Coffee Burundi natural v60. Delicate blueberry, tart green fruit. Moderate sweetness, caramelized. Really clean. Good.
Wed, May 6th • 2020
Colombia Natural
grown in La Aurora, Colombia
Flight La Aurora natural origami. Caramelized red strawberries, dark sweetness. Great acidity, sparkling. Touch freah, grassy. Really great.
Mon, May 4th • 2020
Rwanda Natural
grown in Gisheke, Rwanda
roasted by Flight Coffee
Rwandan Gisheke natural spro. Tart, sour cherry and grapefruit. Caramel sweetness. A bit dark. Not great, but it's Corona-coffee!
Fri, May 1st • 2020
Kenya Washed
grown in Kenya
roasted by Vanguard Coffee
Vanguard Kenya Ndocha washed origami. Dark, tart red fruit. Candied, jammy currants. Bergamot citrus. Complex, deep purple notes. Great!
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