This is just a blog about my daily coffee.
Displaying 30 of 36 checkins from 12 cafes.  show all checkins
Filtering by Cafés In: Otago
Fri, Feb 26th • 2021
Rwanda Washed
grown in Vunga, Rwanda
roasted by Flight Coffee
Flight Coffee Rwandan Vunga washed spro. Muddled raisin, red plum, lemon. Soft citric acidity. Tannic, dry linger. Sour sweetness. Good.
Fri, Feb 26th • 2021
Colombia Extended Fermentation
grown in Colombia
roasted by Flight Coffee
Flight Coffee Colombian Competition Roast Extended Fermentation spro. Caramelized strawberries. Molasses, cola. Floral scent. Thick. Superb.
Thu, Feb 25th • 2021
Colombia Honey Process
grown in Colombia
roasted by Flight Coffee
Flight Coffee Colombian San Luis honey spro. Bright, really juicy red plum. Melon. Tons of fruit. Supple acidity. Dry finish. Really great.
Thu, Feb 25th • 2021
Flat white. Really burnt, astringent. Red fruits, bad extraction and latte art. Good milk texture. Meh.
Wed, Feb 24th • 2021
Colombia Natural
grown in Colombia
roasted by Flight Coffee
Flight Coffee Colombian Monteverde natural spro. Bright strawberry, tons of acidity. Juicy. Yellow sugars. Underextracted and sharp. Good!
Fri, Mar 20th • 2020
House Blend
House espresso. Underextracted, sour. Burnt lemon. Quite dark. Meh.
Fri, May 12th • 2017
Short black. Good development on a city+ roast, but not speciality beans. They use a tiny [sample] roaster for production. Bad for my taste.
Thu, May 11th • 2017
grown in Burundi
Burundi short black. Juicy, sweet, vibrant. Nice acidity, quite clean today. Lovely.
Wed, May 10th • 2017
House Single Origin
roasted by Allpress
Allpress coffee so I just grabbed a Coke Zero, but it was in a glass bottle!
Wed, May 10th • 2017
roasted by Allpress
Short black. Very dark. Meh. Not third wave coffee.
Tue, May 9th • 2017
A chemex. Not sure what beans and I can't really tell either. Acidic reds, winey perhaps. Lots of dark chocolate notes. Moderate sweetness.
Sat, May 6th • 2017
grown in Burundi
Burundi short black. Didn't really pay attention to it.
Thu, May 4th • 2017
grown in Burundi
Burundi short black & filter. Short black was a bit off. Filter was a bit stale and muddy / thick. Slight misses, just consistency issues.
Wed, May 3rd • 2017
grown in Burundi
Burundi short black. Not as good today.. Moderately good coffee, random consistency. Thicker, more bitters today; lacked juiciness. Ok.
Tue, May 2nd • 2017
grown in Burundi
Burundi short black. Excellent pull. Very juicy, mild tea bitters, white florals. Tangy. Sweet, acidic currants? Red~yellow. Great today! 👌
Fri, Apr 28th • 2017
grown in Burundi
Burundi short black again. Quite acidic, drowns out the juicy and good stuff. Seems temperamental with extraction.. Baristas aren't great :(
Thu, Apr 27th • 2017
grown in Burundi
Burundi short black again. Very good this time, underextracted! It got a bit sour, even for me, as it cooled. Bit super juicy and vibrant.
Wed, Apr 26th • 2017
grown in Burundi
Burundi short black. A bit overextracted compared to the past few days. Not bad.
Mon, Apr 24th • 2017
grown in Burundi
Burundi short black. Better extraction, tangy red berry with some dark cocoa bitters. Fairly good!
Mon, Apr 24th • 2017
grown in Burundi
Burundi short black. Better extraction, tangy red berry with some dark cocoa bitters. Fairly good!
Sun, Apr 23rd • 2017
House Single Origin
grown in Burundi
Burundi natural + washed blend, SO? Spro. Juicy, dark florals. Barely tealike, quite acidic. Dark sugars, dark fruits. Best so far here 👌👍
Sat, Apr 22nd • 2017
Burundi Natural
grown in Burundi
Burundi natural clever dripper. Bitter acidic fruit. Reds with cocoa bitters. Poor fruit development. Extraction or roasting missed the mark
Burundi Natural
Wed, Apr 19th • 2017
grown in Colombia
Columbian short black. Dark sugars, bitter stonefruit. No punch today. Just poor development too dark or light for the coffee.
Sun, Apr 16th • 2017
grown in Colombia
Columbian short black. Tobacco ash crema. Some dark stoneftuit doused in cocoa bitterness. Thick syrup. Harsh acidity. All over the place 😕
Thu, Apr 13th • 2017
House Single Origin
SO on Chemex. Very mellow. A bit of vegetal bitterness with some reds going on. Just too clean and mellow for anything.
Tue, Apr 11th • 2017
Rwanda Honey Process
grown in Rugali, Rwanda
Rwanda Honey Rugali short black. Flavors are overshadowed, long black was better. Some acidity; dark chocolate, caramel notes.
Sun, Apr 9th • 2017
Rwanda Honey Process
grown in Rugali, Rwanda
Rwandan Honey Rugali. Medium-dark, but really forward on light caramel, grapefruit, and dark chocolate. Great darker coffee..alright.
Fri, Apr 7th • 2017
Long black. Very basic traditional. Medium+ to dark.
Thu, Apr 6th • 2017
grown in Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia
Ethiopian Yirg. Dark berry notes, acidic bite. Medium+ roasted. Odd extraction. Partial carbon notes with some berries and reds. Improveable
Thu, Mar 16th • 2017
Emporio Flat White. Smells daaark. Tastes even darker. Burnt carbon. Some orange notes, sweetness from milk. Very dark roast.