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Displaying 100 of 929 checkins from 6 cafes.  show all checkins
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Fri, Feb 14th • 2020
Thailand Natural
grown in Doi Saket, Thailand
roasted by Flight Coffee
Thai Doi Saket natural spro. Chocolate, red berries, currants. Good acidity, breifly bright. Balanced. Darker sweetness. Good.
Thu, Feb 13th • 2020
Thailand Natural
grown in Doi Saket, Thailand
roasted by Flight Coffee
Thai Doi Saket natural spro. Sweet dark chocolate, 70%. Dark currants. Good acidity, bright start, moderate sweetness. Good.
Wed, Feb 12th • 2020
Ethiopia Washed
grown in Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia
roasted by Grey Roasting Co
Grey Street Ethiopian Yirg washed kalita + lilydrip. Dull acidity. Green, bitter lime; bit floral bergamot. Chocolate citrus, currant. Good.
Tue, Feb 11th • 2020
Thailand Natural
grown in Doi Saket, Thailand
roasted by Flight Coffee
Thai Doi Saket natural spro. Chocolatey, cooked red fruit. Great acidity, but a bit dull in fruitiness and clarity. Missing sweetness. Good.
Tue, Feb 11th • 2020
Thailand Natural
grown in Doi Saket, Thailand
roasted by Flight Coffee
Thai Doi Saket natural spro. Dark chocolate, dark acidity. A bit of dark red berries, but unbalanced acidity. Alright, not bad.
Sun, Feb 9th • 2020
Kenya Puled Natural
grown in Kenya
roasted by Rocket Coffee
Rocket Kenya Muthigi-ini washed natural origami. Crisp nectarine, red apple. Pretty clean, but funky, pineapple process. Sweet berry. Great.
Sun, Feb 9th • 2020
Ethiopia Washed
grown in Konga, Ethiopia
roasted by Rocket Coffee
Rocket Ethiopia Konga washed v60. Mandarin. Lavender scent, bit of bitterness. Black tea-like. Sweet, balanced. Good.
Sun, Feb 9th • 2020
Kenya Washed
grown in Kenya
roasted by Firsthand Coffee
Firsthand Kenya Gachatha PB washed kalita. Tart, green grapefruit. Very acidic. Indistinct; medium body. Fresh. Blackberry sweetness. Good.
Fri, Feb 7th • 2020
Costa Rica Honey Process
grown in Sumatra, Costa Rica
roasted by Ozone Coffee
Ozone Costa Rica Sumava Ruva Gesha black honey v60. Dark, fermented sweetness. Blackberry reduction. Dark chocolate. Dark fruits. Great.
Wed, Feb 5th • 2020
Thailand Natural
grown in Doi Saket, Thailand
roasted by Flight Coffee
Thai Doi Saket natural spro. Super bright strawberry, dark balsamic, burnt strawberry shortcake. Great acidity and sweetness. Really good.
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