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Displaying 100 of 929 checkins from 6 cafes.  show all checkins
Filtering by Cafés In: Te Aro
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Sun, Jul 7th • 2019
Ethiopia Natural
grown in Aricha, Ethiopia
roasted by Flight Coffee
Ethiopian Aricha natural spro. Briefly bright, dark berries. Stonefruit. Bit charred chocolatey finish. Just alright.
Sun, Jul 7th • 2019
Guatemala Washed
grown in Guatemala
roasted by Rocket Coffee
Rocket Guatemalan Geisha washed spro. Dark, acidic stonefruit and raisin. Brief sweetness, thin and silky. Short finish, tart raisin. Good.
Sat, Jul 6th • 2019
Ethiopia Washed
grown in Boji, Ethiopia
Silverskin Ethiopian Boji washed origami filter. Savory apricot, stonefruit. Juicy, subtle citric acidity. Buttery texture. Super delicate.
Thu, Jul 4th • 2019
Ethiopia Natural
grown in Aricha, Ethiopia
roasted by Flight Coffee
Ethiopian Aricha natural spro. Caramelized purple plums. Dark, but bright berries. Cooked sugars. Superb acidity, overall balance. Good.
Thu, Jul 4th • 2019
Ethiopia Natural
grown in Aricha, Ethiopia
roasted by Flight Coffee
Ethiopian Aricha natural spro. Dark plum, acidic dark berry. Great berry fruitiness. Solid sweetness; delicate, balanced finish. Great.
Wed, Jun 26th • 2019
Ethiopia Natural
grown in Aricha, Ethiopia
roasted by Flight Coffee
Ethiopian Aricha natural spro. Dark berry; bright, fragrant start. Dark chocolate and stonefruiy linger. Superb starting notes. Good.
Sat, Jun 22nd • 2019
Ethiopia Washed
grown in Boji, Ethiopia
roasted by Rocket Coffee
Rocket Ethiopian Boji washed v60. Dark currants, superb peach. Good acidity, tart sweetness, great balance. Juicy acidic body. Great.
Wed, Jun 19th • 2019
Ethiopia Natural
grown in Aricha, Ethiopia
roasted by Flight Coffee
Ethiopian Aricha natural spro. Floral berry scent, berry. Dark sugars, caramel. Stonefruit acidic linger. Bit muddy. Great.
Sat, Jun 15th • 2019
Colombia Washed
grown in Colombia
Colombian Argemiro Nuñez washed v60 4:6. Delicate reds. Briefly grass/green strawberry, cherry juice, sakura tea. Juicy body and acidity. 👌
Tue, Jun 11th • 2019
Ethiopia Natural
grown in Aricha, Ethiopia
roasted by Flight Coffee
Ethiopian Aricha natural spro. Soft blueberry acidity into a tart, chocolate stonefruit linger. Toasty caramel overtones. Bit acidic. Great!
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