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Filtering by Roaster: Flight Coffee
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Mon, Jan 15th • 2018
grown in Shyira, Rwanda
roasted by Flight Coffee
Rwandan Shyira spro. Bitter, grassy start. Dark blackberry, tart acidity. Dark purple fruit. Yesterday was perfect, today is okay. 👍
Sun, Jan 14th • 2018
grown in Shyira, Rwanda
roasted by Flight Coffee
Rwandan Shyira spro. Grassy scent. Vibrant bitter blueberry/blackberry. Great acidity. Just spectacular today. Very straightforward. 👍👌
Thu, Jan 11th • 2018
grown in Mallorca, Colombia
roasted by Flight Coffee
Mallorca Columbian natural spro. Super complex. Rose florals; tropical: banana, pineapple; dark chocolate; green acidity. Thick. Great. 👍👌
Wed, Jan 10th • 2018
grown in Shyira, Rwanda
roasted by Flight Coffee
Rwandan Shyira spro. Bright acid, raisin, and a touch of grassy tones. Cools to blackberry. Starts great, gets a bit muddy. Very good. 👍
Tue, Jan 9th • 2018
grown in Colombia
roasted by Flight Coffee
New Columbian spro. Caramelized sugars, bit of tropical: banana bread. Super complex, great body, thick, very balanced. Odd, love it. 🤔👍👍
Tue, Dec 19th • 2017
grown in Shyira, Rwanda
roasted by Flight Coffee
Rwandan Shyira spro. Warm, creamy subtle stonefruit, raisin, and bright sweet grapefruit. Punchy and vibrant. Blackberry linger. Great! 👍👌
Mon, Dec 18th • 2017
grown in Shyira, Rwanda
roasted by Flight Coffee
Rwandan Shyira spro. Creamy tart blackberry seeds. Quite a tart acid, a touch of orange. Mostly darker dried purple fruit. Bit muddy. Great.
Sun, Dec 17th • 2017
grown in Shyira, Rwanda
roasted by Flight Coffee
Rwandan Shyira spro. Blackberry bitter crema. An odd orange/purple bergamot ~ grapefruit note.. Warm, tart blackberry. Dried fruit. Great.
Sat, Dec 16th • 2017
grown in Shyira, Rwanda
roasted by Flight Coffee
Rwandan Shyira spro. Dark purple dried fruit, raisin dryness? Great body, even a bit bold, with lingering sparkling acidity and tartness. 👍
Thu, Dec 14th • 2017
grown in Shyira, Rwanda
roasted by Flight Coffee
Rwandan Shyira spro. Near vibrant, acidic purple fruit, but not tropical. Dry plum, raisin. Blackberry..bitterness? Odd smelling. Great 👍👍
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