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Filtering by Processing Method: Natural
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Fri, Oct 28th • 2016
Ethiopia Natural
grown in Ethiopia
roasted by Frank's Coffee
Eth Natural spro. Bitter stonefruit. Fruity, bright, zingy. Some sort of a green/yellow/brown, savory note. Sour cherry, prune. Wonderful 💯
Sun, Oct 9th • 2016
House Single Origin
grown in Ethiopia
roasted by Rocket Coffee
Rocket coffee SO Natural Eth short black. Hot, Lovely: bright fruity reds & pinks. Great crema?? Cooling loses sweets, grows sour. 👍💯
Sat, Oct 8th • 2016
Peru Natural
grown in Peru
Peru natural geisha siphon. Strawberry, harsh brights, quite acidic. Nice, clean, low bitterness, okay sweetness. Good florals. Okay geisha.
Mon, Oct 3rd • 2016
Honduras Natural
grown in Honduras
Honduran Pacas natural. Lovely red fruit, nice acidity. Still not super clean, good balance of traditional and vibrant reds.
Sat, Oct 1st • 2016
Honduras Natural
grown in Honduras
Honduran Pacas Natural spro. Super fruity reds. Bright, nice acidity, nice balance. Darkness from the crema reigns it in. Strawberry punch.
Thu, Sep 29th • 2016
Honduras Natural
grown in Honduras
Honduran Pacas natural filter. Juicy orange fruit, kumquat..? Very nice, delicate. Good brightness, sweetness, great red coffee.
Fri, Sep 23rd • 2016
Honduras Natural
grown in Honduras
Honduran Pacas natural spro. Very soft reds, florals, with some mellow traditional bitters. Nice and bright, good acidity.
Thu, Sep 22nd • 2016
Honduras Natural
grown in Honduras
Honduran Pacas experimental natural filter. Wonderful red cherry, strawberry, and red floral notes. Ashy acidity. Very fruity, lacking body.
Tue, Aug 23rd • 2016
Ethiopia Natural
grown in Konga, Ethiopia
Last Natural Konga filter, swap tomorrow. A bit over? Very tangy, yet dark stonefruit.
Mon, Aug 22nd • 2016
Ethiopia Natural
grown in Konga, Ethiopia
Natural Konga spro. Wonderfully punchy at the end. Very sweet and bright. I'll miss you, Konga.
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