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Displaying 100 of 958 checkins from 118 cafes in 12 countries.  show all checkins
Filtering by Brewing Method: Espresso
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Tue, Jan 8th • 2019
Rwanda Natural
grown in Rugali, Rwanda
roasted by Flight Coffee
Rwandan Rugali natural spro. Dark, full chocolate with purple berries, maybe plum. Acidic finish, puckering lemon, not distracting. 👍
Wed, Jan 2nd • 2019
Rwanda Natural
grown in Rugali, Rwanda
roasted by Flight Coffee
Rwandan Rugali natural spro. Thin start, blackberry juice with a bright acidic lemon finish. Great body cooler, full bright lemony goodness.
Thu, Dec 27th • 2018
Rwanda Natural
grown in Rugali, Rwanda
roasted by Flight Coffee
Rwandan Rugali natural spro. Sweet lemon start, dark chocolate body and linger. Blackberry bitters and start. Near sparkling acidity. Lovely
Thu, Dec 27th • 2018
grown in Shyira, Rwanda
roasted by Flight Coffee
Rwandan Shyira Reserve washed spro. Grapefruit bitters, slight almond marzipan. Indistinct, dark flavor. Can't put my finger on it. Great..
Sat, Dec 15th • 2018
Rwanda Natural
grown in Rugali, Rwanda
roasted by Flight Coffee
Rwandan Rugali natural spro. Immediate roasted blackberries. Sweet dark chocolate linger. Super sweet, great acidity. Very blackberry. 👍👌
Thu, Dec 13th • 2018
Rwanda Natural
grown in Rugali, Rwanda
roasted by Flight Coffee
Rwandan Rugali natural spro. Fresh, green vegetal start turning into blackberries. Moderate bitters, dark chocolate. Great acidity. Great 👌
Sun, Nov 11th • 2018
grown in Doi Saket, Thailand
Flight Doi Saket spro. Vibrant, tinge dark, pink fruity notes, quite clear. Warm, full body. Berry-like delicacy. Great acidity. Superb 👌
Wed, Nov 7th • 2018
Costa Rica Washed
grown in Costa Rica
roasted by Catalyst Coffee
Catalyst Costa Rican semi washed spro. Super acidic, brief sweetness. Red grapefruit, green non-vegetal acidity. Really lovely.
Costa Rica Washed
Sat, Oct 13th • 2018
roasted by Rocket Coffee
Rocket spro? Jasmine scent, med body. Great acidity. Indistinct red fruit. Somewhat traditional, cocoa finish. Good execution, okay profile.
Fri, Oct 12th • 2018
Ethiopia Washed
grown in Sidamo, Ethiopia
Red Rabbit Sidama washed spro. Quite short. Dark cocoa nib start. Soft red fruit: red apple, stonefruit. Caramel sweetness. Too balanced. 👍
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