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Displaying 100 of 958 checkins from 118 cafes in 12 countries.  show all checkins
Filtering by Brewing Method: Espresso
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Mon, Mar 9th • 2020
Thailand Natural
grown in Doi Saket, Thailand
roasted by Flight Coffee
Thai Doi Saket natural spro. Bright, developed strawberry and tamarillo. Chocolate, funky, basic acidic linger. Thick. Really good.
Fri, Mar 6th • 2020
grown in Colombia
roasted by GGET Coffee
GGET Colombia espresso. Medium profile, dark caramel. Red fruit. Juicy body. Tart burnt linger. Served with sweet sparkling drink. Alright.
Fri, Mar 6th • 2020
grown in Nicaragua
roasted by Verve Coffee
Verve Nicuraguan spro. Dark, fruity. Tons of development. Acidic red berries and juicy! Great body. Briefly burnt finish, but really great.
Wed, Mar 4th • 2020
Thailand Natural
grown in Doi Saket, Thailand
roasted by Flight Coffee
Thai Doi Saket natural spro. Bright red fruits, with some muddled chocolatey notes. Super fruity, warm, silky. Good sweetness. Great.
Tue, Mar 3rd • 2020
Thailand Natural
grown in Doi Saket, Thailand
roasted by Flight Coffee
Thai Doi Saket natural spro. Tons of chocolate today, chocolate acidity. Briefly fruity, red fruits. Dull sweetness. Pretty good, different.
Fri, Feb 28th • 2020
Thailand Natural
grown in Doi Saket, Thailand
roasted by Flight Coffee
Thai Doi Saket natural spro. Tart, bit bright. Muddled, green/red acidity. Fruity, but odd. Cacao acidity. Bit different, good.
Thu, Feb 27th • 2020
Wed, Feb 26th • 2020
Thailand Natural
grown in Doi Saket, Thailand
roasted by Flight Coffee
Thai Doi Saket natural spro. Good acidity, briefly bright. Pretty normal. Dark chocolate, red fruits. Good.
Tue, Feb 25th • 2020
Honduras Washed
grown in Don Fabio, Honduras
roasted by Flight Coffee
Honduran Don Fabio washed spro. Super caramel, some milk chocolate. Citric. Bit dull, but pleasant, balanced. Not my profile. Good.
Sun, Feb 23rd • 2020
Thailand Natural
grown in Doi Saket, Thailand
roasted by Flight Coffee
Thai Doi Saket natural spro. Dark chocolate, dark currants, red berries. Briefly bright, short. Lots of dark acidity, some sweetness. Good.
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