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Filtering by Roaster: Flight Coffee
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Thu, Nov 28th • 2019
Thailand Natural
grown in Doi Saket, Thailand
roasted by Flight Coffee
Thai Doi Saket natural spro. Dark caramelized strawberry. Tart. Dark chocolate. Muddled, unbright, dull. Good flavor, balanced, just boring.
Mon, Nov 25th • 2019
Thailand Natural
grown in Doi Saket, Thailand
roasted by Flight Coffee
Thai Doi Saket natural spro. Astringent grapefruit acidity, dark chocolate finish. Good flavor, just bitter with sharp acidity. Bad shot.
Wed, Nov 13th • 2019
Thailand Natural
grown in Doi Saket, Thailand
roasted by Flight Coffee
Thai Doi Saket natural spro. Super fruity. Red berries, cacao. Great high acidity with a mellow, bitter balance. Strawberry candy. Lovely.
Tue, Nov 12th • 2019
Thailand Natural
grown in Doi Saket, Thailand
roasted by Flight Coffee
Thai Doi Saket natural spro. Dark strawberry candy, milk chocolate finish. Super sweet. Popping acidity! Funky, metallic tinge. Just superb.
Sun, Nov 10th • 2019
Thailand Natural
grown in Doi Saket, Thailand
roasted by Flight Coffee
Thai Doi Saket natural spro. Dark chocolate and cooked strawberries. Superb acidity, tangy finish, touch bitter linger. Almost juicy. Great.
Wed, Nov 6th • 2019
Thailand Natural
grown in Doi Saket, Thailand
roasted by Flight Coffee
Thai Doi Saket natural spro. Dark chocolate dipped strawberries, not super juicy, but pretty bright. Tad muddled. Great.
Tue, Nov 5th • 2019
Thailand Natural
grown in Doi Saket, Thailand
roasted by Flight Coffee
Thai Doi Saket natural spro. Bright strawberry, a touch savory. 90% dark chocolate. A bit muddled. Great.
Mon, Nov 4th • 2019
Thailand Natural
grown in Doi Saket, Thailand
roasted by Flight Coffee
Thai Doi Saket natural spro. Super bright pomegranate, a bit savory somehow too. Lots of depth. Dull cacao finish. Super good.
Wed, Oct 30th • 2019
Ecuador Washed
grown in Ecuador
roasted by Flight Coffee
Ecuador Sidra washed spro. Quite bright. Lime, cherry, black currant. Singed, sweet butterscotch caramel. A bit too unbalanced for me. Okay.
Tue, Oct 29th • 2019
roasted by Flight Coffee
Bomber blend spro. Chocolate bitterness and linger with underlying orange. Good acidity, moderate sweetness. Balanced. Good.
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