This is just a blog about my daily coffee.
Displaying 68 of 200 checkins from 9 cafes.  show all checkins
Filtering by Cafés In: Aichi
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Fri, May 27th • 2016
grown in Wallega, Ethiopia
roasted by Trunk Coffee
Trunk Wollega. Quite a dark red or purple. Blueberry and strawberry. Darker than both though, touch scorched, no bitterness. Quite complex.
Tue, May 3rd • 2016
grown in Wallega, Ethiopia
roasted by Trunk Coffee
Wollega. Tealike, faint juicy red/purple. Less blueberry, more red berries and plum? Very balanced, sweet, lacking acidity. Tea bitterness.
Sat, Apr 23rd • 2016
grown in Wallega, Ethiopia
roasted by Trunk Coffee
Trunk's Wollega. Ai is here.
Fri, Apr 22nd • 2016
Thu, Apr 21st • 2016
grown in Wallega, Ethiopia
roasted by Trunk Coffee
Wollega, you know.
Wed, Apr 20th • 2016
roasted by Trunk Coffee
Hama Pourover. Nice citrus.
Tue, Apr 19th • 2016
Tue, Apr 19th • 2016
grown in Wallega, Ethiopia
roasted by Trunk Coffee
Wollega. Very tealike now. Missing the blueberries 😭
Mon, Apr 18th • 2016
grown in Wallega, Ethiopia
roasted by Trunk Coffee
Another day, another Wollega. Might as well be a black tea. Maybe I'm a tea person? Missing the blueberries though 😭 but 👍
Tue, Apr 12th • 2016
grown in Wallega, Ethiopia
roasted by Trunk Coffee
Wollega. Not quite clean or bright, time to switch to something else for a bit.
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