This is just a blog about my daily coffee.
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Filtering by Cafés In: Newtown
Thu, Oct 20th • 2016
grown in Ethiopia
roasted by People's Coffee
Honduran Ethiopian blend spro. Dark reds. Traditional bitters and some brightness. Vinegary result. No fruitiness. Prefer the house blend?
Tue, Oct 11th • 2016
grown in Ethiopia
roasted by People's Coffee
Over Ocean (Honduran, Eth) blend, spro. Darkness, astringency, and rough brights competing. Lacking sweetness. Ok body. Muddy, but complex.
Fri, Oct 7th • 2016
Ethiopia Washed
grown in Ethiopia
roasted by People's Coffee
Ethiopian washed filter. Nothing spectacular, but still good. Moderate stonefruit, very mellow everything..