This is just a blog about my daily coffee.
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Filtering by Café: Pacamara Boutique Coffee Roasters
Sat, Apr 30th • 2016
grown in Panama
Panama Lerida, steampunk. Sooo light, vague orange/lemon sherbet; low sweet/acid. Melon(?) candy. Cools to developed lemon honey tea. 💯😮👌
Sat, Apr 30th • 2016
Cup of Excellence Rwanda
grown in Rwanda
Rwanda Marabia Sovu COE #20 '15 (86+) filter. Very clean, orange stonefruit, juicy, white floral. Minor tealike. Balanced acidity and sweet.
Sat, Apr 30th • 2016
Shop is white, hipster w/ Alphadomiche. Eth Arricha spro. Crema was bitter orange! Dark choc orange. Bright, complex. Metallic (odd), oily.